Wednesday, May 25, 2011

2 for Tuesdays: Hot Diggity Dawg

Today we'd like to be a bit of a "homer" and salute our kinda town, Chicago.

The Windy City has been "sweating" a bit having to face the Miami Heat in the NBA Eastern Conference Finals.

Whether the Chicago Bulls weather the Miami Heat or not, South Beach, although having a lot of "hot dogs", doesn't have THE Chicago Hot Dog.

It is almost cliched to talk about the Chicago Hot Dog. But it is cliched because it true!

Although not technically a Chicago Hot Dog (we spy some ketchup on it--quelle horreur!) pull your money out of the Hot Dog Yummy Pocket at SuperDawg or Hot Doug's and get the respect that only someone carrying a hot dog coin purse deserves.

Hot Dog Yummy Pocket
Hot Dog Yummy Pocket
Let us be frank, this little pouch looks good enough to eat! 

And here's hoping that the Chicago Bulls, like the venerable Chicago Hot Dog, are big wieners!

Want a wallet that shows your Chicago pride but is a bit more practical? Then we have a wallet with plenty of Rahm for your credit cards, cash and ID's-- The Chicago Flag Men's Wallet.

Chicago Flag Men's Wallet 
A billfold you'll want to carry Daley.

Made from recycled plastic bags from by the non-profit organization CONSERVE, the wallet is tough, colorful and built-to-last. Just like Chicago.
Without the meat.

Speaking of tough, Chicago vegans...
Chicago's very own, Common, has come under some fire of late.
We'd like to take a step back and focus on Common the artist.
We are partial to the smooth "Chi-City".
But for sheer "get us riled up about Chicago" Kanye West's "Homecoming" is it!

Common and Kanye tend to rap about, er, mature topics.
What about your little Chicagoan?

Check out Laura Doherty's ode to encased meat "Hot Dog" from her 2009 album Kids in the City.

With a Laura's excellent musicianship and clever lyrics, not to mention a very catchy chorus, it is a song that kids will love (and parents too).

And, we bet it makes you hungry.

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