Saturday, March 31 is
World Backup Day. In honor of this very important day, we would like to come to you and ask... When is the last time you backed-up your irreplaceable data? If you don't know the answer to this question, stop reading this and go make a backup of your precious family photos, your band’s demo 'tape', your tax return from last year, the manuscript of your great American novel.
If you don't have a backup, you are saying "I do not value this data and I know that I will lose it and I don't care."
After you have completed your backup (the first of many regular and incremental ones, right?), breathe a sigh of relief and have a good laugh because after World Backup Day is April Fools' Day. Check out
Time Out Chicago Kids "Right Now We Want-April Fools' edition featuring the Anti-theft Lunch Bags, Finger Tentacles and our other gags and gifts at our
April Fools' Day Gags & Tricks.